Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Opinion: A Third Group in the YSA Discussion

I had really hoped that the last opinion piece that I wrote about the "You Suck Asshole" chant would be the last one, but alas this issue hasn't gone away.  Just in case you haven't noticed, a couple of weeks ago, during "Supporters Week" of all things, MLS and some of it's clubs decided to crack down on this chant, where supporters promptly inform the opposing goalkeeper what they think of him during goal kicks.  You know the one I mean.

This led to a letter being distributed to several supporter groups telling them that if significant progress is not made on this issue in the coming weeks, then the clubs will go ahead with various sanctions against Supporter Groups.  Clubs could also face a fine from MLS if the behavior is not curbed.  RSL placed papers on seats asking the fans to discontinue the chant (above) during the last home match with the Philadelphia Union.

I wasn't able to attend the Union match, as I couldn't get off work, so my season ticket was put to good use by a good friend.  However, when I watched the broadcast, it was clear to me that progress had indeed been made.  Later in the match the chant reared it's head after some poor officiating, but for the most part, the SG's seemed to have a handle on it.  It wasn't heard all that much at the USMNT match as well, and I was in the supporters section for that one.

However this issue just will not go away.  There's at least two or three arguments between fans and sometimes between club reps every day on social media.  The unease felt by the supporters is palpable on social media, and was noticeable during the USMNT match as well.

Until now this issue has been viewed from two sides.  On one hand, you have the leagues, clubs, and a group of fans who for whatever reason find this chant to be truly offensive.  These fans have put pressure on the league and clubs to do away with it.  Real Salt Lake says that they have lost season ticket holders over the issue.  There's also the broadcast media, who apparently don't want mass "vulgarity" on their airwaves.  Now, you hear worse than that every night on network TV, but I guess that really doesn't matter in the United States of the Offended, you know, where 2 seconds of Janet Jackson's breast apparently scarred two-thirds of the country for life .

One the other hand you have the Supporter Groups, who I think also raise a couple of good points.  First off, they contend that a professional sporting event where one pays to enter, and indeed where alcohol is served, is primarily a setting for adults where, like it or not, this kind of language is probably going to be heard.  They also note that it isn't just the supporters groups participating in it, therefore they don't have total control over the situation.   Still, from what I have seen, most of the SGs associated with RSL have made some kind of effort to do away with that, even though we've heard little on those efforts from the club or the league.

I'm writing this piece to tell folks that there is a third group involved, and that group could very well be as large as the other two.  This is the group to which my interests belong.  As I said in my earlier post, I don't participate in this chant, because after all, it's stupid.  However, I'm not offended by it either.  Sure, mass chanting of swear words isn't ideal public behavior, but whatever, I couldn't care less.  Plus, trying to control the speech of 20,000 folks is difficult, whether it's the right thing to do or not.

I do not belong to a Supporter's Group.  This is by choice.  I don't have any issue with them, and in fact, I do support the continued growth of supporter culture, however, atmosphere is not why I attend a match.  Though I do participate in organized chants when it strikes me, when I watch a match, I'm generally looking at it from an analytical mindset.  I'm watching the players move without the ball, I'm watching for formation changes and tactics.  I actually don't talk much during a match at all, just ask Rick, who goes to every match with me.  In short, I'm there to watch the game I love and watch my favorite team play the game.  Do you ever go to a baseball game and see the guy with the score book that he brought from home, keeping score and making copious notes?  I'm that guy.  If that makes me a lesser fan than someone else, well sorry.  I have a degree in psychology and another one in forensic science, it's just how I see the world.

I may not be as loud as other fans, but money is worth just as much as anyone else's in the season tickets I buy every year, 3 years running now, and in merchandise.  I own 30+ scarves.  Then there's the concessions which I buy, not cheap. There are a lot of people in this group, and whether they're of an analytical mind or not, they just want to GO WATCH THE MATCH, period.  We're tired of hearing about this stupid issue.  We're tired of hearing the league harp on it and we're tired of hearing the Supporter Groups whine about it.

The league and clubs have chosen to make a big deal out of this.  That's their right.  These stadiums are private property and they every right to set standards of behavior.  However, MLS and Clubs, are you listening?  You've made the choice, you've laid down the law, now DEAL WITH IT.  We're tired of this stupid issue distracting from what's going on on the pitch.  If you have to sanction SG's, go ahead.  If you have to kick people out, go ahead, but don't be surprised when the supporters get fed up.  You've made the bed, time to lay on it, just get it overwith.

Supporter's Groups, get over it.  It's time to move on.  I appreciate the efforts you guys have already made on this issue.  I support what you all bring to our matches each and every week.  In the end, it's one chant, and it's a damn stupid one.  I know several members of RSL Supporters Groups and they work hard to be creative.  I hope their efforts shine through.  The rest of you, move on.  This chant is going away, period.  Be a part of the solution or a part of the problem, but you guys know there will be consequences at this point.

This is a final plea on my part, and by others like me, for all the adults on both sides to come to the table.  I hope it happened at the meeting with RSL Supporters Groups.  At this point, it's starting to effect everyone's enjoyment of the game, and it really is needless.  PLEASE get this issue taken care of before you turn me, and folks like me, permanently off.

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